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Raven Weaver

Raven Weaver
Associate Professor Johnson Tower 514, Pullman 305 NE TROY MALL

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D. Department of Human Development, Virginia Tech, 2017
  • M.S. Department of Human Development, Virginia Tech, 2014
  • B.A. Department of Psychology, Berea College, 2012

Professional Experience

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development, Washington State University

Courses Taught

  • HD 308: Adult Development
  • HD 360: Death and Dying
  • HD 403: Families in Poverty
  • HD 405: Gerontology
  • HD 586: Special Topics: Adult Development and Aging

Areas of Emphasis

  • Adult Development and Aging
  • Service Utilization
  • Aging Policy
  • Social and Family Gerontology
  • Aging in Rural Communities
  • Training and Development of Professional in the Field of Aging

Research Interests

Older adults; unmet needs; utilization of formal long-term services and supports; informal caregiving and family gerontology; influence of geographic location (rurality) on an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological health and well-being; effectiveness and implications of health services policies; cumulative dis/advantage across the life course; lifespan prevention science.

Selected Publications

Weaver, R. H., Zubedi**, F., VanMeter**, A., and Decker, A.* (accepted). The effectiveness of a brief intervention to increase the likelihood of advance care planning among college students. Death Studies.

Weaver, R. H., Jackson*, A., Lanigan, J., Power, T. G., Anderson*, A., Cox, A. E., Eddy, L., Parker, L., Sano, Y., & Weybright, E. (2021). Health behaviors at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Health Behaviors, 45(1), 44-61.

Weaver, R. H., Roberto, K. A., Brossoie, N., & Teaster, P. B. (2020). Experiences with involuntary nursing home relocation: The staff perspective. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Advance online publication.

Weaver, R. H., & Roberto, K. A. (2020). Location matters: Disparities in the likelihood of receiving services in late life.  International Journal of Aging and Human Development. Advance online publication.

Weaver, R. H., & Burley, M. (2020). Function, social, and health needs of older rural residents: A community risk assessment. Journal of Aging and Health. Advance online publication.

Weaver, R. H., Roberto, K. A., & Brossoie, N. (2019). A scoping review: Characteristics and outcomes of residents who experience involuntary relocation. The Gerontologist. doi:10.1093/geront/gnz035

Weaver, R. H., & Roberto, K. A. (2018). Effects of long-term services and supports on survival of poor, highly vulnerable older adults. The Gerontologist. Advance online publication. doi:10.1093/geront/gny040

Weaver, R. H., Naar, J., & Jarrott, S. E. (2017). Using contact theory to assess staff perspectives on training initiatives of an intergenerational programming intervention. The Gerontologist. Advance online publication. doi:10.1093/geront/gnx194

Weaver, R. H., Roberto, K. A., & Blieszner, R. (2017). Older adults in rural Appalachia: Preference and expectations for future care. International Journal of Aging and Human Development. doi:10.1177/0091415017720891

Weaver, R. H., & Roberto, K. A. (2015). Home and community-based service use by vulnerable older adults. The Gerontologist, 57(3), 540-551. doi:10.1093/geront/gnv149

Book chapters

Weaver, R. H. (2018). Reframing aging issues to ensure a better future. In R. Robnett, & N. Brossoie, W. C. Chop (Eds.), Gerontology for the Health Care Professional (pp. 345-371). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Roberto, K. A., & Weaver, R. H. (2018). Late-life families. In B. Fiese, (Editor-in-Chief), APA Handbook of contemporary family psychology: Foundations, methods, and contemporary issues across the life span. (Vol 1, pp. 631-647). Washington, DC: APA.